Thursday 2 October 2008

I thought this point theme on the blog would be good for my "point" diet. My pointscalculator is small with points (dots) on it as well. I never used it as when I had been 1 week on the WW diet, I changed to the other diet (the low carb one). So you put in the calories and the fat and the amount and it calculates how many points. With standard products that are in my points book it is quicker just to look up their points. (Today, my student's couldn't believe that "there" and "their" is pronounced the same. I couldn't believe they thought so)

Sooooo later I will be pointing up. And on Wednesday I will weigh in...

P.S. HAHAHA There is a website that you hum a song to (through the microphone) that you don't know the title of. Then they find it for you!!! (This is the unbelievable bit). There is a song that I have wanted to know for ages, I might have a go and see what happens

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