Sunday 12 October 2008

This is a continuation of the post below.

I felt a bit hungry so I had one round of toast with one santé cheese on it and two bites of a banana ( I will have the rest for breakfast ).

I did have the temptation to go down and get some crisps. But I have got out of the habit lately so it would be a pity to get back into it. I also really feel hard about wanting to look good. I really want to be able to go into shops and be able to buy the clothes that I see and for them to look how I want them to look. I was surprised that it stopped me enough. I have got into the habit of not eating right and it it hardly bothers me. I am glad that it is bothering me, maybe that will keep me being consistent.

I am sure these sort of food because of the chemicals in them have some sort of addictive properties. Especially pringles, I havent had any since Thursday. I remember when I lived in the other flat, I really got addicted to having a burguer king meal. I would go after work or at night, nearly every day, and for quite a few weeks. I would have chips, burguer, ice-cream. The people got to know me. It was one of the only times I was really conscious of being addictive to something. I am glad I got out of that habit.

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