Friday 6 February 2009

Day 18, Operation Looking GOOD feeling GOOD


3 rounds of toast with poached eggs (8)
digestive biscuit (1.5)
chocolate bran with smidge of ice-cream (3)
pistachos (1)
corn cake (0.5)
sante cheese and toast (1.5)

tangerine x 2 (or 3?) (0)

cooked apple with yoghurt and bran bake (3)

18.5 out of 20 allowed

I took my vitamin tablet

I have not done any exercise

So I made myself a diet apple pie. How? Well I boiled an apple. The skin just fell off, and I cut it up and sprinkled some cinnamon on it, then cut an all bran bake in two and put in top and then put a apple pie flavoured diet yoghurt on top. And there I had a 3 point treat. It was so filling, that I couldn't finish it, and now hours after I still feal very full, I think it may be the bran that has that affect on me.

It is hard to think of exercise when having this cold, not that I was thinking much of it before the cold. That is the worst part of my diet at the moment, the lack of exercise. I really have to bring it on.

Oh, and I am still missing one tape with about 2 or even 3 episodes of diet trials, I have gone through all the videos and cannot find it. I am really mad about it, I have so many crappy tapes and one that I really want has disappeared. Oh well.

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